Off road перевод – перевод, произношение, примеры, синонимы, антонимы, транскрипция, определение, словосочетания
- 10.09.2020
off-road — Перевод на русский — примеры английский
Посмотреть также: off-road vehiclesНа основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
These motorcycles are usually heavier and more durable than the models derived from off-road motorcycles.
Эти мотоциклы, как правило, тяжелее и прочнее, чем модели на основе внедорожных мотоциклов.Estimating emission rates from some off-road sources can be time-consuming when the information required to compile the inventory is lacking.
В случае нехватки данных, требуемых для составления кадастра, определение доли выбросов из некоторых внедорожных источников может оказаться сложной задачей.These themes include off-road, street racing, pro racing, and freestyle.
Эти темы включают внедорожные, уличные, профессиональные гонки и фристайл.Where you will take part in an off-road race.
Dewi tried to off-road
For off-road mobile sources, emission and cost characteristics of control stages according to the current European legislation were also included.
Что касается внедорожных мобильных источников, то в нее с учетом нынешнего европейского законодательства также включены характеристики выбросов и расходов для различных этапов работы по их ограничению.I, in fact, own a Cadillac, but for this trip, I rented a four-wheel drive to be taking off-road.
Собственно, у меня Кадиллак, но для этой поездки я взяла в аренду машину с полным приводом, чтобы ездитьHow good are you at riding off-road?
The objective of the game is to win a series of off-road races and to be the overall winner of the Festival.
Цель игры состоит в том, чтобы выиграть серию внедорожных гонок и стать победителем на фестивале. The following sectors were considered as a priority for CIAM because of the weakness of existing data: wood combustion, industrial processes, construction and agriculture, and
Includes tyres used by off-road agricultural vehicles, aircraft, among others
Включают шины для внедорожных сельскохозяйственных машин, самолетов и т.д.Contributions from agriculture and off-road equipment were expected to remain stable.
Вклад сельского хозяйства и внедорожной техники, как ожидается, останется на стабильном уровне. Most of these vehicles will be used under rough working conditions (
She’s gone off-road… Into hostile territory.
Она сошла с дороги… на вражескую территорию.Guy wanted to trade it in for something he could take off-road with instead.
I kind of went off-road at the press conference.
Like you said at the time, lots of off-road parking, peaceful spot.
Right, this is actual off-road, and it’s starting to rain.
off-road — с английского на русский
off-road — adj [usually before noun] 1.) designed to be used on rough ground as well as on roads ▪ an off road vehicle 2.) going over rough ground ▪ off road cycling ▪ off road tracks >off road adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
off-road — adj. designed for or used for or taking place on trails and beaches etc., instead of public roads; as, off road vehicles; off road sports such as snowmobiling. [Narrower terms: {cross country (vs. road) ] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Off Road — may refer to: Super Off Road, 1989 arcade game released by Leland Corporation Off Road Challenge, 1998 console game released by Nintendo Ford Racing: Off Road, 2008 video game published by Empire Interactive See also Off roading, term for driving … Wikipedia
off-road — (adj.) 1949, from OFF (Cf. off) (adv.) + ROAD (Cf. road) … Etymology dictionary
off-road — /ofˈrod, ingl. ˈofˌrəud/ [loc. ingl., letteralmente «fuori (off) strada (road)»] s. m. inv. fuoristrada … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
off-road — [off rōd΄] adj. designating or of a vehicle, as a dune buggy, for use off regular highways, streets, etc … English World dictionary
off-road — off′ road′ adj. aum trs designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads or rough terrain • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
off-road — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, being, or done with a vehicle designed especially to operate away from public roads * * * /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails,… … Useful english dictionary
off-road — /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails, beaches, or rough terrain: an off road vehicle. 2. taking place on such roads or terrain: off road racing. 3. used for or suitable… … Universalium
off-road — adverb away from the road; on rough terrain. adjective denoting a vehicle or bicycle for use off road. Derivatives off roader noun off roading noun … English new terms dictionary
Off-road — Any non stationary device, powered by an internal combustion engine or motor, used primarily off the highways to propel, move, or draw persons or property, and used in any of the following applications: marine vessels, construction/farm… … Energy terms
off road — Перевод на русский — примеры английский
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Now take that car off road at night and remove the windscreen wipers, the windscreen, the headlights and the brakes.
He could have gone off road.
He highlighted new measures to address emissions of particulate matter and ozone, from transportations sources such as rail and marine and regulations on off road vehicles and small engines.
Он сообщил о новых мерах, принимаемых для борьбы с выбросами твердых частиц и озона источниками загрязнения в транспортном секторе, такими как железные дороги и морской транспорт, а также о нормативных положениях, касающихся(b) Develop proposals for emission standards of exhaust fumes and noise for rail, off road vehicles and ships;
Ь) разработка предложений в отношении норм выбросов выхлопных газов и уровней шума для железнодорожных и внедорожных транспортных средств и судов;It indicated that standards were adopted that would address emissions from heavy and light duty trucks, automobiles, off road vehicles, and locomotives.
Она сообщила об утверждении стандартов, которые касаются выбросов автомобилей малой и большой грузоподъемности, легковых автомобилей, внедорожных транспортных средств и локомотивов.Look, Sam, they’re going off road.
Additionally three vehicles were off road owing to accidents.
Basic cycling skills should first be taught off road and once mastered supervised training on roads with low traffic volumes can commence.
Основные навыки езды на велосипеде ребенок должен получать вначале в местах, свободных от дорожного движения, и лишь после этого можно приступать к контролируемому обучению навыкам передвижения на дорогах в условиях низкой интенсивности движения.An increase in the manoeuvrability of the vehicle off road and over water is achieved.
Достигается повышение проходимости транспортного средства по бездорожью и воде.If you’re driving a sports coupe, you’re not going to be able to lose an off-road vehicle off road.
Если ты за рулем спортивного купе, то на пересеченной местности тебе от внедорожника не оторваться.He gets off road and crosses over, he’s in Mexico.
1.5. Tyres designed exclusively for competition or off road use and marked accordingly;
1.5 шин, предназначенных исключительно для соревнований или для внедорожного использования и имеющих соответствующую маркировку;The invention relates to transport technology with multi-functional use and relates, in particular, to the design of self-propelled vehicles intended for moving off road, over water, and on snow and ice.
Изобретение относится к транспортной технике многофункционального использования и касается, в частности, конструирования самоходных транспортных средств, предназначенных для перемещения по бездорожью, воде, снегу, льду.At the initiative of Cameroon, the States of the subregion continued to discuss and share their concerns regarding extortion by persons cutting off road access and other transborder crimes.
По инициативе Камеруна государства этого субрегиона продолжили обсуждения и обмен информацией по вызывающим их озабоченность вопросам, касающимся случаев бандитизма на дорогах и других актов трансграничной преступности.I think it does because it does work really well off road, and it does have feels special.
Я думаю, что он настоящий, потому что он очень хорош на бездорожье, и… он — особенный, это чувствуется.Press relations and image management team RedLine Off Road Team, the Lisbon-Dakar 2006.
Пресс отношений и управления изображениями команды RedLine Офф-роуд Team, Лиссабон-Дакар 2006.Off road in a Bentley before dawn.
off-road 🎓 ⚗ перевод с английского на русский
off-road — adj [usually before noun] 1.) designed to be used on rough ground as well as on roads ▪ an off road vehicle 2.) going over rough ground ▪ off road cycling ▪ off road tracks >off road adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
off-road — adj. designed for or used for or taking place on trails and beaches etc., instead of public roads; as, off road vehicles; off road sports such as snowmobiling. [Narrower terms: {cross country (vs. road) ] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Off Road — may refer to: Super Off Road, 1989 arcade game released by Leland Corporation Off Road Challenge, 1998 console game released by Nintendo Ford Racing: Off Road, 2008 video game published by Empire Interactive See also Off roading, term for driving … Wikipedia
off-road — (adj.) 1949, from OFF (Cf. off) (adv.) + ROAD (Cf. road) … Etymology dictionary
off-road — /ofˈrod, ingl. ˈofˌrəud/ [loc. ingl., letteralmente «fuori (off) strada (road)»] s. m. inv. fuoristrada … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
off-road — [off rōd΄] adj. designating or of a vehicle, as a dune buggy, for use off regular highways, streets, etc … English World dictionary
off-road — off′ road′ adj. aum trs designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads or rough terrain • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
off-road — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, being, or done with a vehicle designed especially to operate away from public roads * * * /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails,… … Useful english dictionary
off-road — /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails, beaches, or rough terrain: an off road vehicle. 2. taking place on such roads or terrain: off road racing. 3. used for or suitable… … Universalium
off-road — adverb away from the road; on rough terrain. adjective denoting a vehicle or bicycle for use off road. Derivatives off roader noun off roading noun … English new terms dictionary
Off-road — Any non stationary device, powered by an internal combustion engine or motor, used primarily off the highways to propel, move, or draw persons or property, and used in any of the following applications: marine vessels, construction/farm… … Energy terms
off-road — /ˈɒf roʊd/ (say of rohd) adjective 1. of or relating to the functioning, etc., of a motor vehicle when it is not being driven. 2. of or relating to driving in rugged conditions away from sealed roads, as through bush, on sand, etc. 3. of or… … Australian English dictionary
off-road — adj. Off road is used with these nouns: ↑driving, ↑parking, ↑tyre, ↑vehicle … Collocations dictionary
off-road — adjective Date: 1968 of, relating to, done with, or being a vehicle designed especially to operate away from public roads … New Collegiate Dictionary
off-road — 1. adjective Designed for, used for, or taking place on a driving surface that is not traditionally paved, such as a beach or rugged terrain 2. verb To travel in rugged terrain not on a paved track … Wiktionary
Off-road racing — is a format of racing where various classes of specially modified vehicles (including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buggies) compete in races through off road environments. Contents 1 North America 2 New Zealand 3 Europe 4 … Wikipedia
off-road — перевод — Английский-Русский Словарь
en At present time nine Lexus models are present in the Russian car market: CT (hatchback), IS (sports sedan), GS (high-tech sedan), ES (business sedan), LS (luxury sedan), LX (premium-class off-road vehicle), RX (crossover), GX (off-road vehicle with higher off-road capacity) and LF (super car).

en It is acknowledged that an activated ABS system fitted to a vehicle designed to ride both on-road and off-road may cause adverse safety effects if activated off-road under certain very specific conditions.

en If you’re driving a sports coupe, you’re not going to be able to lose an off-road vehicle off road.

en «Off-road vehicles» means off-road vehicles as defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3).

en «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.

en The main modifications related to methodological changes from COPERT III to COPERT 4 for road transport and off-road mobile machinery, for which the revision of the emission factors for diesel vehicles had resulted in an increase; and the modification of the proportion of fuels consumed in off-road mobile machinery, buildings and agriculture.

en Canada’s sulphur in diesel fuel regulations would reduce the level of sulphur in on-road diesel to 15mg/kg, effective in 2006 and the regulations amending this would reduce the level of sulphur in off-road, rail and marine diesel fuel to 500 mg/kg commencing in 2007, down to 15mg/kg commencing 2010 for off-road and 2012 for rail and marine.

en As for off-road vehicles, the group decided to wait for discussion until the draft gtr for off-road vehicles is formulated

en (c) if the motorcycle is equipped with a riding mode selector switch feature allowing an “off-road”, “all terrain mode” or any other riding mode electronically preparing the vehicle for off-road use, temporarily reduction or disabling of the antilock brake system function shall only be allowed in this particular riding mode; and

en «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.»

en “Professional off-road tyre” is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.

en As for off-road vehicles, the group decided to wait for discussion until the draft gtr for off-road vehicles is formulated.

en (c) The adjustment applications from Belgium (Energy and Off-road Mobile Machinery — NOx), Croatia[footnoteRef:3] (Energy, Agriculture and Waste — Nh4), and France (Off-road Mobile Machinery — NOx) be rejected.

en Ecorider — off-road vehicles (Scotland) Ecorider is the unique diesel, biodiesel or petrol fuelled off-road vehicle applied mostly in agriculture.

en «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.»

en Canada’s sulphur in diesel fuel regulations would reduce the level of sulphur in on-road diesel to # mg/kg, effective in # and the regulations amending this would reduce the level of sulphur in off-road, rail and marine diesel fuel to # mg/kg commencing in # down to # mg/kg commencing # for off-road and # for rail and marine

en By derogation, vehicles which are suitable for off road driving and fitted with a riding mode selector allowing an «off-road» or «all terrain» mode may be fitted with a single means (e.g. switch, lever, button, menu option) to disable the antilock brake system function, which is only permitted under the following conditions:

en 2.55. «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions;

en It is acknowledged that an activated ABS system fitted to a vehicle designed to ride both on-road and off-road may cause adverse safety effects if activated off-road under certain very specific conditions.

en «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions;

en 2.13. «Professional off-road tyre» is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.

en Off-road racing celebrated a championship weekend in Crandon, WI, with the World Series of Off-Road Racing (WSORR) crowning a number of series winners based on their season-long performances on the hills, bumps and dirt of several tough courses.

en Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire is making a significant financial investment in its Bloomington, Ill., Off Road Tire plant that will allow the plant to produce new off road tire sizes and double the facility’s giant loader tire curing capacity.

en It owns sites for manufacturing Russian UAZ off-road vehicles in Ulianovsk, petrol and diesel engines at the site in Zavolzhie, and also SsangYong off-road vehicles, FIAT passenger and commercial vehicles which are manufactured at the sites in Naberezhniye Chelny and Elabuga.

off-road vehicle — с английского на русский
off-road vehicle — UK US noun [countable] [singular off road vehicle plural off road vehicles] a vehicle that is designed to be used in rough country such as hills and deserts Thesaurus: vehicles used away from roads and on snowhypon … Useful english dictionary
off-road vehicle — off road vehicles N COUNT An off road vehicle is a vehicle that is designed to travel over rough ground … English dictionary
off-road vehicle — noun count a vehicle designed to be used in rough country such as hills and deserts … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Off-road vehicle — ORV redirects here. For the Austrian cycling governing body, see Österreichischer Radsport Verband. Mercedes Benz Unimog in the Dunes of Erg Chebbi in Morocco. Note the high ground clearance due to Portal gear axles An off road vehicle is… … Wikipedia
off-road vehicle — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms off road vehicle : singular off road vehicle plural off road vehicles a vehicle that is designed to be used in rough country such as hills and deserts … English dictionary
off-road vehicle — Vehicle intended for operation on unmade surfaces or rough terrain (i.e., for construction or agriculture) … Dictionary of automotive terms
off-road vehicle — noun (C) a vehicle that is built very strongly so that it can be used on rough ground … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Off highway vehicle — (OHV) is a vehicle registration classClarifyme|where it is used|date=May 2008 for motor vehicles including all terrain vehicles (ATVs), off highway motorcycles (OHMs), and off road vehicles (ORVs) such as 4×4 trucks or jeeps. [cite web | title =… … Wikipedia
off-road — adj [usually before noun] 1.) designed to be used on rough ground as well as on roads ▪ an off road vehicle 2.) going over rough ground ▪ off road cycling ▪ off road tracks >off road adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
off-road — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, being, or done with a vehicle designed especially to operate away from public roads * * * /awf rohd , of /, adj. 1. designed, built, or used for traveling off public roads, esp. on unpaved roads, trails,… … Useful english dictionary
Off road park — An Off Road Vehicle Park is an area of land that may be accessed by all terrain vehicles such as 4×4 vehicles, Pickup Trucks, ATVs, and many other types of off road vehicles. Off Road Parks in the United States Black Mountain Off Road Adventure… … Wikipedia
Off-Road ▷ Перевод На Русский
Английский перевод